- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chapron, G., Swenson, JE., Bischof, R., (2024) Sweden is shooting brown bears in the darkScience 385(6713) 1052-1052 PDF
- Boiani, M. V., Dupont, P., Bischof, R. Milleret, C., Friard, o., Geary, M., Avanzinelli, E., Hardenberg A., Marucco, M., (2024). When enough is enough: Optimising monitoring effort for large-scale wolf population size estimation in the Italian Alps Ecology and Evolution , 37(6), e14132. , e01179. PDF
- Marucco, F., Boiani, M. V., Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Avanzinelli, E., Pilgrim, K., ... & Bischof, R. (2023). A multidisciplinary approach to estimating wolf population size for long‐term conservation Conservation Biology, 37(6), e14132. , e01179. PDF
- Edelhoff, H., Milleret, C., Ebert, C., Dupont, P., Kudernatsch, T., Zollner, A., ... & Peters, W. (2023) Sexual segregation results in pronounced sex-specific density gradients in the mountain ungulate, Rupicapra rupicapra Communications Biology, 6(1), 979. , e01179. PDF
- Ausilio, G., Sand, H., Wikenros, C., Aronsson, M., Milleret, C., Nordli, K., ... & Zimmermann, B. (2023). Effects of large carnivores, hunter harvest, and climate on the mortality of moose calves in a partially migratory population Wildlife Biology, e01179. PDF
- Moqanaki, E., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., & Bischof, R. (2023). Wolverine density distribution reflects past persecution and current management in Scandinavia Ecography , (87) e06689. PDF
- Neby, M., Andreassen, H., Milleret, C., P., Pedersen, S., Tamayo, A. M. P., Sánchez, D. C., ... & Zimmermann, B. (2023). An evaluation of spatial capture-recapture models applied to ungulate non-invasive genetic sampling data Biodiversity Data Journal , (11). PDF
- Kervellec, M., Milleret, C., Vanpé, C., Quenette, P. Y., Sentilles, J., Palazón, S., ... & Gimenez, O. (2023). An evaluation of spatial capture-recapture models applied to ungulate non-invasive genetic sampling data Biological Conservation , (87) e22373. PDF
- Dupont, P., Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Peters, W., Edelhoff, H., Ebert, C., Klamm, A., and Hohmann, U. (2023) An evaluation of spatial capture-recapture models applied to ungulate non-invasive genetic sampling data Journal of Wildlife Management , (87) e22373. PDF
- Tourani, M., Franke, F., Heurich, M., Henrich, M., Peterka, T., Ebert, C., Oeser, J., Edelhoff, H., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Bischof, R., Peters, W., (2023) Spatial variation in red deer density in a transboundary forest ecosystem, Scientific Reports , (13) 4513. PDF
- Dey, S., Moqanaki, E., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Tourani, M., Bischof, R., (2023) Modelling spatially autocorrelated detection probabilities in spatial capture-recapture using random effects Ecological Modelling (479) 110324. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dey, S., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Turek, D., de Valpine P., Bischof, R., (2022) Estimating spatially variable and density-dependent survival using open-population spatial capture–recapture models Ecology 104(2): e3934 PDF
- Zhang, W., Chipperfield, J., Illian, J., Dupont, P., Milleret, C., De Valpine, p., Bischof, R, (2022) A flexible and efficient Bayesian implementation of point process models for spatial capture‐recapture data Ecology 104(1): e3887 PDF
- Semper-Pascual, A., Bischof, R., Milleret, C., et al. (2022) Occupancy winners in tropical protected forests: a pantropical analysis Proceedings of the royal society B 2892022045720220457 PDF
- Theng, M., Milleret, C., Bracis, C., Cassey, P., Delean, S. (2022) Confronting spatial capture–recapture models with realistic animal movement simulations Ecology 12(7):e3676 PDF
- Dey, S., Dupont, P., Bischof, R.Milleret, C.,
(2022) Does the punishment fit the crime? Consequences and diagnosis of misspecified detection functions in Bayesian spatial capture–recapture modeling Ecology and Evolution 12(2):e8600 PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Tourani, M., Brøseth, H., Bischof, R. (2021) Integrating dead recoveries in open-population spatial capture–recapture models Ecosphere 12(7):e03571 PDF
- Milleret, C., Bischof, R., Dupont, P. , Brøseth, H., Odden, J., and Mattison, J. (2021) GPS collars have an apparent positive effect on the survival of a large carnivore Biol. Lett 17(20210128) PDF
- Moqanaki, E., Milleret, C., Tourani, M., Dupont, P., Bischof, R. (2021) Consequences of ignoring variable and spatially autocorrelated detection probability in spatial capture-recapture Landscape Ecology 12(2):e03385 PDF
- Turek, D., Milleret, C., Ergon, T., , Brøseth, H., Dupont, P., Bischof, R., de Valpine P., (2021) Efficient estimation of large‐scale spatial capture–recapture models Ecosphere 12(2):e03385 PDF
- Crampe, JP., Gerard, JF., Goulard, M., Milleret, C., Gonzalez, G., Bon, R. (2021) Year-round sexual segregation in the Pyrenean chamois, a nearly monomorphic polygynous herbivore Behavioural Processes 184, 104300 PDF
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Tourani, M., Ordiz, A., de Valpine, P., Turek, D., Royle, A., Gimenez, O., Flastad, Ø., Åkesson, M., Svensson, L., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J. (2020) Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PDF
- Ordiz, A., Milleret, C., Uzal, A., Zimmermann, B., Wabakken, P., Wikenros, C., Sand, H., Swenson, J., Kindberg, J. (2020) Individual variation in predatory behavior, scavenging and seasonal prey availability as potential drivers of coexistence between wolves and bears Diversity. 12, 356. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Turek, D., Brøseth, H., Gimenez, O., de Valpine, P., Bischof, R. (2020) Estimating abundance with interruptions in data collection using open population spatial capture–recapture models Ecosphere. 11(6):e03172. PDF
- Ordiz, A., Uzal, A., Milleret, C., Sanz-Pérez A., Zimmermann, B., Wikenros, C., Wabakken, P., Kindberg, J., Swenson, J., Sand, H. (2020) Wolf habitat selection when sympatric or allopatric with brown bears in Scandinavia Scientific Reports. 10, 9941. PDF
- Carricondo-Sanchez, D., Zimmermanna, B., Wabakken, P., Eriksen, A., Milleret, C., Ordiz, A., Sanz-Pérez, A., Wikenros K. (2020) Wolves at the door? Factors influencing the individual behavior of wolves in relation to anthropogenic features Biological Conservation. 9:8849. PDF
- Bischof, R., Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Chipperfield, J., Royle J.A. (2020) Consequences of ignoring group association in spatial capture–recapture analysis. Wildlife Biology. (1). PDF
- Bischof, R., Gjevestad, J., Ordiz, A., Eldegard, K., Milleret, C., (2019) High frequency GPS bursts and path-level analysis reveal linear feature tracking by red foxes. Scientific Reports. 9:8849. PDF
- Sanz‐Pérez, A., Giralt, D., Robleño, I., Bota, G., Milleret, C., Mañosa, S. and Sardà‐Palomera, F. (2019) Fallow management increases habitat suitability for endangered steppe bird species through changes in vegetation structure. Journal of Applied Ecology. 00: 1– 10. PDF
- Donfrancesco, V., Ciucci, P., Salvatori, V., Benson, D., Andersen, L., Bassi, E., Blanco, J., Boitani, L., Caniglia, R., Canu, A., Capitani, C., Chapron, G., Czarnomska, S., Fabbri, E., Galaverni, M., Galov, A., Gimenez, O., Godinho, R., Greco, C., Hindrikson, M., Huber, D.; Hulva, P., Jedrzejewski, W., K., Josip, Linnell, J., Llaneza, L., López-Bao, J., Männil, Peep; M., F., Mattioli, Luca, Milanesi, P., Milleret, C., Mysłajek, R., Ordiz, A., P.s, Vicente, P., Hans C., Pertoldi, Cino; Pilot, M., Randi, E., R., Alejandro, S., Urmas; Sand, H., Scandura, M., S., Astrid V., Tsingaraska, E., Mukherjee, N. (2019) Unravelling the scientific debate on how to address wolf-dog hybridization in Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Volume 7 PDF
- Milleret, C., Ordiz A., Sanz-Pérez, A., Uzal, A., Carricondo-Sanchez A., Eriksen A., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Wikenros C., Åkesson M., and Zimmermann, B. (2019) Testing the influence of habitat experienced during the natal phase on habitat selection later in life in Scandinavian wolves. Scientific Reports. 9:6526 PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Gimenez, O. and Bischof, R. (2019) Population closure and the bias‐precision trade‐off in spatial capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 00: 1– 12 PDF
- Milleret C., Dupont P., Bonenfant C., Brøseth H., Øystein F., Sutherland C., Bischof R. (2019) A local evaluation of the individual state-space to scale up Bayesian spatial capture recapture. Ecology and Evolution. 00:1–12. PDF
- Sanz-Pérez A., Ordiz A., Sand H., Swenson J. E., Wabakken P., Wikenros C., Zimmermann B., Åkesson M., and Milleret C. (2018) No place like home? A test of the natal habitat-biased dispersal hypothesis in Scandinavian wolves. Royal Society Open Science 00:1–17. PDF
- Milleret C., Ordiz A., Chapron G., Andreassen H., Kindberg J., Mansson J., Tallian A., Wabakken P., Wikenros C., Zimmermann B., Swenson J., and Sand H. (2018) Habitat segregation between brown bears and gray wolves in a human-dominated landscape. Ecology and Evolution 00:1–17. PDF
- Milleret C., Dupont P., Brøseth H., Kindberg J., Royle J.A., Bischof R. (2018) Using partial aggregation in spatial capture recapture Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 00:1–12. PDF
- Tallian, A., Ordiz, A., Metz, M., Milleret, C., Wikenros, C., Smith, D., Stahler, D., Kindberg, J., MacNulty, D., Wabakken, P., Swenson, J., and Sand, H. (2017) Competition between apex predators? Brown bears decrease wolf kill rate on two continents. . Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20162368. PDF
- Milleret, C., Wabakken P., Liberg O., Akesson M., Flagstad O., Andreassen H.P. and Sand, H. (2017) Let’s stay together? Intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in pair bond dissolution in a recolonizing wolf population. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:43-54 PDF
- Chapron, G., Wikenros, C., Liberg, O., Wabakken, P., Flagstad , O., Milleret, C., Mansson, J., Svensson, L., Zimmermann, B., Akesson, M., and Sand, H. (2016) Estimating wolf (Canis lupus) population size from number of packs and an individual based model. Ecological Modelling 339: 33-34
- Ordiz, A., Milleret, C., Kindberg J., Mansson J., Wabakken P., Swenson J., Sand H. (2015) Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia. Ecosphere 6(12):284. PDF
- Nicholson, K.L., Milleret, C., Mansson, J. and Sand, H. (2014) Testing the risk of predation hypothesis the influence of recolonizing wolves on habitat use by moose. Oecologia, 1-12.
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Winiger, A., Spong, G., Königsson, H., and Bischof, R., 2024. Estimates of wolverine density and abundance in Norrbotten county in Sweden and associated reindeer herding areas, 2023/2024 - MINA fagrapport 79. 35pp. PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J. and Bischof, R. 2024. Estimates of brown bear density, abundance, and population dynamics in Norway 2014 - 2023 MINA fagrapport 98. 34pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø., Kindberg, J., Svensson, L., and Bischof, R., 2024. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2014–2024- - MINA fagrapport 97. 34pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åsbrink, J., and Bischof, R., 2024. Simultaneous range-wide genetic sampling of brown bears in Sweden: a pilot study - MINA fagrapport 96. 33pp. PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2024. Challenges in estimating range-wide brown bear density and abundance in Sweden (2012-2021) - MINA fagrapport 95. 47pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø., Kleven, O., Kindberg, J., & Bischof, R .2023 Estimates of wolverine density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2014–2023 MINA fagrapport 89. 33pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø., Kindberg, J., Svensson, L., & Bischof, R., 2023. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2013–2023. MINA fagrapport 85. 34pp. PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J., & Bischof, R. 2023. Estimates of brown bear density, abundance, and population dynamics in Norway 2012 - 2022 - MINA fagrapport 86. 33pp. PDF
- Dupont, P., Milleret, C., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J., & Bischof, R. 2022. Estimates of brown bear density, abundance, and population dynamics in Norway 2012 - 2021 MINA fagrapport 82. 32pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Moqanaki, E., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø, Kleven, O., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2022. Estimates of wolverine density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2014–2022 - MINA fagrapport 79. 35pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., Svensson, L., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2022. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2013–2022 - MINA fagrapport 77. 35pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Brøseth, H., Flagstad, Ø, Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2022. Estimates of wolverine density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2013–2021 - MINA fagrapport 74. 30pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., Kindberg, J., and Bischof, R., 2021. Estimates of wolf density, abundance, and population dynamics in Scandinavia, 2012 - 2021 - MINA fagrapport 72. 30pp. PDF
- Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Åkesson, M., Svensson, L., Brøseth, H., and Bischof, R. 2020. Consequences of reduced sampling intensity for estimating population size of wolves in Scandinavia with spatial capture-recapture models - MINA fagrapport 65. 29pp. PDF
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Brøseth, H., and Kindberg, J. 2019. RovQuant: Estimating density, abundance and population dynamics of bears, wolverines, and wolves in Scandinavia - MINA fagrapport 63. 79 pp. PDF
- Bischof, R., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chipperfield, J., Åkesson, M., Brøseth, H., and Kindberg, J. 2019. Estimating the size of the Scandinavian wolf population with spatial capture-recapture and conversion factors - MINA fagrapport 57. 80 pp. PDF
- Sanz-Pérez, A., Milleret, C., Ordiz, A., Uzal, A., Carricondo-Sanchez, D., Eriksen, A., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Wikenros, C., Åkesson, M., & Zimmermann, B. Oppvekstrevirets effekt på habitatvalg hos voksne ulver. Utredning om ulv og bosetting del 4. Report for Miljødirektoratet . Skriftserien Høgskolen i Innlandet. 11-2018.
- Chapron G., Wikenros C., Liberg O., Svensson L., Akesson M., Mansson J., Zimmermann B., Milleret C. , Wabakken P., and Sand H. Population estimates for the Scandinavian wolf population and sample-based monitoring development of a new method. Report for Viltskadecenter, SLU 2015-5. 31 p. 2012
- Milleret, C. 2018. Spatial Capture-Recapture: The Pros and Cons of Aggregating Detection. Blog post for methods in ecology and evolution Link
- Milleret, C. 2012. Recherche: Les loups et la recherche en Scandinavie. Quoi de neuf loup. 26: p.12